Friday, October 3, 2014

Giveaway! Kidstuff Coupon Book for Westchester, Rockland & Putnam

Its that time of year again! New fundraisers seem to magically appear in my sons' backpacks each week, and, while I'm always a fan of gift wrap and chocolate, the KidStuff Coupon Books are always a huge hit with family and friends. Not only do they contain coupons that I find myself using all year-round, but 50% of the $25 purchase price goes directly to the fundraising school. Plus, its buy 5 get 1 free, which I always try to take advantage of.

This year, the folks at KidStuff were very kind to send me--and possibly you!--the latest Westchester, Rockland and Putnam coupon book for review. The coupons this year do not disappoint, from kid's interest stores/services such as Babies and Toys "R' Us, Carters, the Lego Store, and the Children's Place, to A.C. Moore, Macy's, Carvel, Modell's, Planet Wings and much, much more.

There are hundreds of dollars of savings in these books, at local stores that we actually patronize--definitely worth the $25 and a worthy fundraising options for schools as well. And, if you don't live in the Rockland, Westchester, and Putnam area, KidStuff offers coupon books in 22 different areas in 12 different states.

So, do you want your own KidStuff Coupon Savings Book for Westchester, Rockland and Putnam? Just write a comment below by October 7th at 11:59pm. There will be two winners chosen at random. Good luck and happy couponing!

For more information on KidStuff, including a sampling of coupons available and fundraising opportunities, visit KidStuff online at

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