Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Huggies and Pampers and Luvs, Oh My!

Well, I think we've finally got the diaper situation solved... at least for now!

After we experienced some redness and leakage with the new Pampers Dry Max, my husband picked up packages of Huggies and Luvs for us to try. The Huggies worked OK during the day, but we were still having leaks at night and the pee smell was really noticeable. The Luvs however are GREAT day and night for us and I don't notice a bad smell (chemical or pee) at all--this is something I didn't expect from a "value" diaper brand.

Luvs Baby Diapers Leakguard Protection

We're still using our remaining Pampers Dry Max during the day, since we have a huge box and the baby does do fine in them for just an hour or two, but at night we're using Luvs and will switch exclusively to Luvs once the Pampers run out.

Why I like: The Luvs diapers are soft on the inside and not bad on the outside either--although they do make that crinkly sound you find in many baby toys (I personally love that sound so it doesn't bug me one bit.) They don't have a mesh "poop catcher" like the Swaddlers, but the countoured fit of the Luvs have kept all of our messes in the diapers so far. Anyway, the mesh in the new Swaddlers kept getting stuck to my little one's private property (thank you Bonnie Hunt for that term!)

We did buy a size up as many reviews suggested (we're using a size 3 for our 15-pounder), so this is maybe adding to our success. Who knows? I'm just a happy mama for the extra sleep they allow me!

My only worry is that Luvs are made by the same company as Pampers (Proctor and Gamble), so I hope they won't change the design of Luvs on us like they did with the Pampers Swaddlers and Cruisers! I don't think they realize how one chink in the chain can effect a mom and baby's sanity. My fingers are crossed!


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